We finally examine college, and that all important college degree, and discover
the truth - or what we think is the truth!
Note: If you are in school pursuing a B.S. degree then most of what is written below does not apply to you. Congratulations! You may have a future!
If you think your parent(s) sent you to college because they care about you -
think again...
Your parent(s) sent you to college for only one reason.
To get you out of the house.
Face facts, at this point in your parent's life they see you as an obnoxious, arrogant, lying, drunk, dope fiend! A reminder to them that they should have used birth control. Do you think Mom and Dad, or Mom and her new boyfriend Ramon want you lying around the house telling them that they are (a) lousy parent(s), (b) eating all the food in the refigerator and (c) whining that you need money so you can buy Playstation 2!? Of course not. In their opinion, even though college costs a fortune and will turn you into a drug addicted, Karl Marx spouting robot, its worth every penny just to be rid of you for a few months!
Saying college is the thirteenth grade is an insult to thirteenth grade. College
is actually more like re-taking ninth grade and paying attention. Be honest (at
least with yourself), college nowadays is just an excuse to do nothing for four
years (which we are completely for). It has become a motley assortment of make-believe
majors and self-righteous idiocy. It is a mental hospital staffed by insane, enraged,
wimpy, loser, ex-hippie, baby boomers who could never face the real world themselves.
Most of these Professors were college students who in 1972, with the
ending of the Vietnam War (and the protesting they so loved), found they had to
find some way to make a living without doing anything. These baby boomers couldnt
actually stand up to the rigors of real college (which used to be
hard and we mean really, really hard - which of course is why
so few people used to get in). Nor were they willing to get a real job. So what
they did is protest for more socially relevant courses (i.e. lame-ass
courses) So that they could get a degree while stoned (again, we arent actually
against this). Eventually they found a way to get a PhD/Masters in these newly
created, obscure, pointless fields so they could then teach you their stupid discipline
and get tenured (salaried for life for doing nothing). Which leads us to today
where you now pay an institution close to $20,000.00 (repeat: twenty thousand
dollars!) a year to teach you something that you could learn from a $10.00 book,
stoned, and or drunk, in your spare time.
Which ones are better?
Here is a simple test. Is your
school an Ivy League school?
If you said yes, you are in luck! You might actually parley this into money! Most people will be impressed that you were able to get into a good school and might be stupid enough to hire you. Unless, that is, you got a BFA, in which case your answer should now be changed to a no.
If your answer was no. Forget it, you are in the realm of
the generic any school. No one is impressed at all - unless maybe
the person hiring you also went to that school. In which case it might help -
but then (if they went there) they will know what a sad, pathetic school it is,
and will probably not hire you anyway!
An accurate breakdown of what your degree really means.
(Bachelor of Science) Actually, this is a real degree, and guarantees
some sort of work, somewhere. note: this is true so long as you didnt study
something like environmental engineering or agriculture...
An actual degree! Will open doors. You are actually not a loser!
(Bachelor of Arts) - You have insignificant knowledge and vague general suppositions
about obscure authors with half-baked ideas, conjured up by losers. This is the
ultimate nebulous, non-degree. It literally means that you know nothing.
RESUME VALUE: Just slightly better than getting a B.A. from a community
B.F.A. (Bachelor
of Fine Arts) - You are more than likely permanently damaged as a human being.
A BFA actually guarantees that you cannot ever get a high paying job. Ever.
RESUME VALUE: It would probably be better not mention you got this degree,
not if you want a job, that is.
This is a valid point. What is the real reason? To learn? No. If you are motivated
to learn you do not need college for this. There are more than enough resources,
libraries, the internet, etc. Learning is about you wanting to know something.
This is not a talent that can be taught. You either have the desire to learn -
or you dont. There are many successful people who never went to college.
In fact most highly successful people didnt go there. So dont fool
yourself. Beside within a few months of graduating you will have forgotten what
little you crammed into your head all those nights you took crystal-meth and stayed
up to study for finals.
When you boil it down the only point of going to college are a.) to party, and
b.) to get away from you parent(s).
If you are honest and realize why you went to college, good for you. Though it is a huge waste of money, it really doesnt matter. As long as you arent paying for it who the fuck cares!
Those who can do. Those who cant... teach!
That is why your professors are on your campus teaching, because they failed the
real test, which is being successful in the real world. Because they have lived
in or around colleges for most of their lives they have built up vast stores of
theoretical knowledge of how the real world works. The ultimate truth is that
theoretical knowledge is just that theoretical and on the whole,
almost completely incorrect.
To learn from people like this is dangerous. This is really not a joke. It literally takes years of your life (and we speak from experience) to get their stupid, disturbing ideas out of your head so that you can even begin to succeed at life. Which means you are virtually guaranteed to be screwed until the age of thirty-five!
us make an additional comment about teachers. For the past few years the media
has started bitching about how undervalued teachers are. This is utter
bullshit that comes from the publicity arm of the teachers unions. In our
opinion teachers are so overpaid for what they do it is criminal.
So what
does a Teacher (Professor) do?
in the College World
Professors only work about half of the year at best, and most of that time only
a half of an actual day. Summer is completely off, as are any holidays, as well
as a long stretch in the winter, plus additional break periods. Basically they
get paid full time wages for part time work.
in the Real World
It is a deadly 9-5 grind. 5 days a week with
only a few weeks of vacation.
in the College World
College professors are never questioned about
what they know. Who could call them on their mistakes anyway? Their students?
Who else is in the classroom to judge them? You will always know less about the
subject than the teachers. Which means they are free from any real meaningful
criticism of their jobs. Once they know a course very little ever changes, so
they pretty much never have to learn anything new for the rest of their careers.
We wont even talk about high school teachers or below, as these teachers
were too lame to even become college professors.
in the Real World
In the real world you are constantly being judged
on your performance. If you fail at your job - you are fired. You have to perform
every day, there isnt any choice. Knowledge and procedures are constantly
changing so you constantly have to figure out more and more, or never advance
to a higher job. There are Supervisors and Managers who constantly observe and
judge your performance.
So dont shed a tear for your teachers, they get paid enormously for very little work, with almost no pressure.
you are taught by failures, who have effectively failed in the world, what are
they likely to teach you? Certainly not what works. What they teach you is what
they know, and what they know is how to do it all wrong. Therefore you are learning
what they know all too well - which is how to fail.
Never doubt the ignorance of your Professor. This is a person who will stop at nothing to infect you with all the wrong attitudes and ideas. Notice also that they can't stand successful people out in the real world, they call those people who succeed evil, or ignorant (a popular tool in most academic arguments), or bourgeois or imperialists, etc. etc. ad infinitum, when it is they themselves who are truly the dull-witted ones.
This having been said - be careful! Disagreeing with these people can be very dangerous. They are incredibly vindictive (like the losers they are) and will reduce your grades or even get you kicked out of school for not agreeing with them. They will also do other childish things such as ridicule you in front of class, shun you, and tell other professors that you have a bad attitude, which will make it hard for you to pass any other courses. Just know that they are miserably unaware of how things truly work. Look at them in front of you and truly know them for the failures that they are. Hopefully they will not damage you and you can at least get on with your life! If you want that degree for your resume, listen enough to pass the course, dont believe any of it, and keep your mouth shut!
Heres the low-down, stay in school simply for your résumé.
Or dont go at all! Just lie and say you went to college somewhere in Montana
(note: most companies dont check your college information anyway (mainly
because what you learned was useless to your job anyway - also, they usually don't
have the time to do it). NOTE: do not lie if you are getting a high paying or
security sensitive job, or a job with the military.
Anyway, have a good time, try not to die, take some useful courses (accounting, finance, basic law) and don't become brainwashed. If you listen to this advice you will have a good life, and be miles ahead of almost every other college educated retard out there.
20, 000/year x 4 years = 80,000. If you spent some time doing some real research
and put your college money in one semi-decent stock you could expect a 30% compounded
return over 10 years. This could end up as a final total of $1,102,867.93 by the
time you were 28 years old! (note: if this amount of money had been invested in
Microsoft back in 1987 you would have made $42 Million dollars by 1997.) Instead
you will give the money to a bunch of feeble lunatics who will actual brainwash
you with all the ideas that lead to failure so that you end up, out of desperation,
working at a job you hate and paying off student loans until you are 35 years